Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Boston Paaty!

I have some new pics of Boston on my Flickr fram to the side...I'll have some more pics this week. I got to meet a genuine Boston resident and had a conversation with him. The accent is awesome. Well tomorrow is the start of the Gilbane Conference. It will be a good time and I am excited to see who all will show up. That is all for now.

Tests have shown that people who live vicariously through Corey are 100% less likely to live their own lives.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Gilbane Conference

I will be at the Gilbane Conference in Boston this week. It will be a good time. Once again I am going to start my little contest again. If you read this and stop by the MindTouch booth I will take you out for a coffee. This will be limited to one person and the cost of the coffee will be capped at $10. I hope I get at least one person ;). Anyhoo...check out my blog often as I will be updating my flickr site with pics. Don't stop living...through me.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Jungle Theatre...A night out

Well I got to go to "The Rivals" last night at the Jungle Theatre. It was a great 19th century british comedy. The cast was amazing and the storyline was great. You will not see too many critiques on my Blog in regards to plays or movies but seeing this show last night made my day. Other than that I have been having a pretty good week. I will be joining my family for Thanksgiving for the next couple of days. This will be a good time to catch up as we have not had a chance to get together like this for a year or so. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Also be careful if you go shopping on Friday as it is crazy the day after TG. Enjoy the turkey, eat some stuffing, and don't stop living through me.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wiki, Web 2.0, Living through me, what more could you want?

I know I gave my title a very wierd name but I am trying to draw some more people to my blog and have more people be touched by the amazing life of Corey. For those of you who are new to my blog, I post up various aspects of my life that should be intersting to the avergae person. What is the difference between my blog and everyother blog that does the same thing...You get to live vicariously through me. That's right. In most countries living vicariously through me can cost upwards of $5. But I am giving you free access. Why you ask? Because I am nice. Anyhoo...enough of my rambling. I will be out in Boston the week after Thanksgiving at a conference that I will tell you more about as it approaches. Also I have decided to extend my offering of free coffee. If someone reads my blog and finds me at my various conferences I will take them out for their coffee of choice at the nearest coffee shop. To rule out any irish coffee that may use expensive liquor the coffee cap will be at $10. The first person that does this will get it. Well I am off to lead my exciting and fascinating life now. Just remeber: Your life is only as intersting as mine.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Increased Readers

I've been watching my blog statistics and have noticed an increase in readers. For all of you that are new welcome. For all of you that have been reading my blog for a while...thanks. Anyhoo...it is official that I am moving to San Diego, CA to work at the MindTouch office in CA. It will not be until early next year but it is exciting. I will continue to blog so please keep your eyes peeled. I'll try to talk more about the process I'm going through with the Move, Wedding, and still living the life. Other than that not much else to say. You keep reading and I'll keep living.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Back in the USSR...actually MN.

Well I'm back from CA and I had a good time out there. I uploaded my pics onto flickr and now you can see them on the side of my blog. It is pretty sweet. I got to go to the Winchester House. Pretty fun. Anyhoo...I'll probably post next week...hope everyone is doing well out there...keep living the life, through me.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

How it is going.

Things are going well out in San Jose. The weather has been very nice and I have been lucky that I get a break from the MN weather. The picture to the left was taken looking out from my hotel. It is a nice hotel that they renovated called the Hotel Montgomery. I was told that a couple of years ago they actually moved the hotel 500 feet. They had large trucks and actually picked it up and moved I believe to not interfere with a development. Pretty intense.

To the right is the MindTouch booth at KM World. It isn't the best pic but it is a slick booth and we have some pretty sweet signs. Other than that I really haven't had a chance to explore any of the rest of San Jose. I plan on trying to check out SF before I leave and getting a couple of cool pics there. San Jose all together isn't that crazy cool. It is neat to see all of the technology heavyweights though. Until next time...take it easy and don't stop living...through me!